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Dysentery (Pravāhikā)


  • Repeated need to defecate but small movement,

  • the urge to strain (Pravahana) while defecating,

  • pain in the navel region, etc.


Undigested half-cooked or uncooked food or improper beverages (ahita āhāra), when mixed with contaminated air in the stomach, causes an abnormal reaction in the intestine, and when the pitta, in spite of its best efforts, fails to digest these things, they come out in the form of loose movement. But if this loose movement does not take its natural course, then those materials start to decompose inside the colon in an ugly way and begin to decay the mucous membrane. Under those circumstances, the different fluid-secreting glands of the body engage in secreting more fluids in an effort to rectify the internal disorder. When these extra fluids come into contact with the undigested food and other contaminated matter, they turn into mucus. So in a case of dysentery the stool is full of mucus. The mucus is no disease by itself but is a natural system of healing the disease.


1. Caused due to predominant vitiation of airy elements in the body. It mainly occurs with severe pain (śūla) in the abdomen. [Vātaja Pravāhikā]

2. Caused due to vitiation of Pitta. It mainly presents the burning sensation during defecation. [Paittika Pravāhikā]

3. Caused due to excess Phlegm (Kapha). It mainly occurs with excessive excretion of Phlegm or mucus (ślēṣma) along with stools. [Kaphaja Pravāhikā]

4. Caused due to vitiation of blood (Rakta). It mainly presents bleeding along with feces [Raktaja Pravāhikā]

First Aid (Do's & Don'ts):

  • No dysentery patient should remain with his/her stomach empty.

  • All kinds of fried things, parched things, pulses, non-vegetarian foods, as well as foods containing oil or fat, are to be carefully avoided.

  • At the first attack of the disease, whether or not the fever is present, the patient should take nothing but water mixed with citrus juice (orange or tangerine juice is best.)

  • laṁghanaṁ paramauṣadhaṁ - Very light food for a day or two to give rest to stomach and gut. After allowing the stomach to rest in this way for a day or two, the patient should then gradually take other foods.

  • Always keep in mind that with dysentery more attention is to be paid to the selection of diet than to medicine.

  • Consume plenty of water and other fluids to keep yourself hydrated.

  • Tea without milk & sugar, buttermilk, steamed/boiled rice, cooked carrots, etc., are good. Roasted bel, or ripe banana peeled and fried in ghee, can be taken as breakfast or a snack. These foods serve as both food and medicine.

  • Bed rest is important.

  • Wrapping a flannel cloth around the abdomen when the disease is in an aggravated state is an excellent precaution.

  • It is very harmful to a dysentery patient to have his/her abdomen exposed to cold.

  • Apply a hot water bag over the abdomen to get relieved from pain.


If the Dyscentry is not stopping and you are losing strength, seek immediate medical assistance in a nearby believable hospital. In case there is no severity or post-emergency care, book an online appointment with Vedavidhya Consultants for Ayurvedic, Yogic, Nutrition based Treatments, and Natural Remedies.

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